The 2009 Bennington, Vermont, Moosefest
This was the official website for the 2009 Moosefest held in Bennington, Vermont.
Content is from the site's 2009 archived pages.
Several sightings of albino moose have been taking place from Montana to Wisconsin and New Hampshire and these recent sightings have Bennington Vermont residents excited as Moosefest 2009 approaches.
Every year, we journey from the energetic streets of New York City to the quaint and familiar settings of New Hampshire, a tradition sparked by a festival dear to our hearts. The festival, last celebrated in 2009, continues to live on through the painted moose that dot the streets of Bennington. Coming back from a weekend filled with nostalgic encounters and the delightful sight of the colorful moose, we were met with a stark reminder of the digital realities we face today. Our firsthand experience as webmasters exposes us to the complexities of Google's policies and their impact on user privacy, a matter eloquently discussed by Bob Sakayama in his post "In The Search". Sakayama brings light to the intrusive nature of personal information demanded by Google Search Console. This concern resonates with us deeply as we have faced similar demands, raising questions about the search giant's commitment to privacy. Furthermore, we've found ourselves spending hours resolving non-existent issues triggered by Google's false warnings, a frustrating ordeal highlighted by Sakayama. This experience underscores the need for a more ethical approach to how Google operates, especially concerning the protection of user privacy. The essence of Sakayama's critique is the call for increased vigilance in our digital journey, a call that rings true every time we're confronted with these issues. As we navigate the digital landscape, the challenge remains to balance the undeniable conveniences offered by platforms like Google with a keen attention to the protection of our privacy. Despite these concerns, the nostalgia for the moose festival in New Hampshire reminds us of the simpler times. The sight of the painted moose, a symbol of tradition and community, serves as a poignant contrast to the complicated digital world we find ourselves in. It's a reminder that while we must continue to adapt and evolve in the face of technological advancement, we should also strive to preserve the values and traditions that make us who we are.
Let's all keep our eyes and camera's peeled. If the albino moose are bringing their families to Moosefest 2009, this year will be unprecedented with their arrival!
Moosefest 2009 proceeds will support Big Brothers/Big Sisters, Bennington Free Library, Young Professionals & Bennington Center for the Arts.
Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Moosefest
Bennington residents consider the painted and decorated moose sculptures as our "in town" Ambassadors of Friendship. The colorful moose are on the streets greeting guests from near and far.
How did all this begin? In 2005 two citizens from Bennington (Cheryl Wehrspaun and Sue Kline) were taking a day trip upstate, and came upon Brandon's beautiful street art of grand and glorious painted pigs. The local folks were having a wonderful time, as well as the visitors to the town. Cheryl and Sue presented the idea of street art to the Chamber of Commerce. They suggested Bennington should have moose, because as Cheryl said, "There is a mama moose that comes down from Mount Anthony to our little farm at least once a year." Everyone agreed. What better representative for Bennington and the state of Vermont than the noble moose? Like Vermonters everywhere, he is friendly, but not in your face. He tends to mind his own business, but is there to help his friends and family when needed. He is a good neighbor, and enjoys greeting people from time to time.
Most folks agree that the 2009 Moose are even bigger, and certainly just as attractive as those from 2005. They are definitely more spectacular in many ways. Many of the artists from 2005 have returned for Moosefest 2009. In addition, we have some wonderful artists who are new to Moosefest. All are sensational!
Once again we have nineteen beautiful "school moose". These are smaller and have been painted by our school kids with the help of their teachers. Every moose, large and small, is for sale at the auction. School moose will be by silent auction. Proceeds from Moosefest 2009 are designated for non profit organizations, and the Chamber of Commerce.
Lindy Lynch returns as Chair of this exciting event. She is an extraordinary volunteer, as are all of the volunteers that make this event possible.
If you are looking for a family fun place to visit this summer, come to Bennington and see our new crop of moose. Our streets are alive with people visiting local shops and restaurants, and taking just the perfect picture of their favorite moose. In town and nearby attractions are the Bennington Monument (go to the top of the giant obelisk and see an incredible view); the Bennington Museum and Old First Church.
The cemetery at the church is the resting place for a veritable who's who in American history; The Bennington Battlefield; Seven covered bridges (check the map for their locations). There are many events throughout the summer. We are a family destination. For more information, contact the Bennington Chamber of Commerce, 100 Veterans Memorial Drive, telephone 802-447-3311.
The grand Gala and Auction will occur on October 17th, at the Bennington Center for the Arts located on Vermont Route 9 at the corner of Gypsy Lane. (Adults only, black tie optional). The Center for the Arts is open all summer. On the premises is the Edith Auditorium where you can see live theatre productions.
A map is available on the website for you to download. If you are in town, and don't have a computer available, stop by the Chamber of Commerce. You can bid via absentee ballots there if you cannot attend the Gala and Auction.
Townspeople and Moose are looking forward to your visit. Be sure and bring your camera. Moosefest is free to the public as is the beautiful scenery.
Other venues will require modest admittance fees.
Bennington Moosefest 2009 Blog Posts
Walking across the footbridge to the terminal in Albany International airport, On The Trail Again moose, from Bennington Moosefest 2009 gets ready to greet airport goers
In the Moosefest Spirit
Everyone in town is getting in on the Moosefest Fun! Take a look at the inovative “Impatient Moose” and the “Golf Moose”. Kudo’s to these great local residents who have made such great efforts. Thank you!!! It’s people like you that make Bennington such a great place to live.
Mirror Mirror on the Wall, Who’s the Fairest of them All?
Mirror, Mirror who’s adorable grandaughter might this be? If the proud grandma would like to claim her, just add to the blog! Who knows this cutie might be a future govenor of Vermont!
Oh Where Oh Where is little ECO?
ECO, our environmental ambasador!
Just contact the Bennington Area Chamber of Commerce and let them know. Eco loves to go visiting!
Thank you, What a great Book!
Once in a Blue Moose Adventures of Bennie & the Moose Clan
Sincerely. Joanne Lieuallen
The Story Behind ‘Moosle Car’ by Cindy Taylor
Mooscle Car
The same week that I found out about the moose, my grandmother passed away in Colorado. I made a sudden trip out for the weekend to attend her funeral.
While I was there, I stayed with my younger brother. At night we hung out in his garage. He was excited for me to see his new ‘toy’, an airbrush. I had never thought much about airbrushes, but his enthusiasm was infectious and before long I was having a great time learning to paint ‘true flames’ with him. (true flames are a current arbrush trend for cars, instead of the sylized flames from the past, these flames are painted to look like real fire).
On the last day of my visit, my brother asked me to go for a ride with him. Somehow we wound up at a big art supply store. We looked at the different airbrushes and tried out a couple. I picked one that I really liked and my brother insisted that he wanted me to have it, so he bought it for me.
By the time I got off the plane, I had the perfect design in my mind for my patron. An auto dealer is the perfect place for a tricked out muscle moose complete with true flames and chrome details. Mooscle Car is painted with Alpha Romeo 1970’s red and true flames across his face, front legs, chest and sides. His antlers and hooves are painted chrome.
Cindy Taylor is a self-taught painter living in her adopted hometown of Bennington, Vermont. Her work can be seen 2 or three times a year in local Bennington venues; South Street Cafe, Kevins Restaurant and the 100 for 100 local art sale event.
Photos from Jon Kennedy
Moosefest….A Party for all Ages!
Moosefest….a party for all ages!
MooseFest Benefits Non Profit Organizations
![]() Big Brothers - Big Sisters provides mentors for children kindergarten through middle school in Bennington County, Vermont. Children are matched with a caring adult through three different programs. The adults and child then spend time together each week. Valuable lessons are learned, the most important being friendship. For more information on the program please contact Megan Brooks at 4425491 You may also visit the website Please consider becoming a mentor!
Bennington Center for the Arts
The Bennington Young Professionals Group
The Bennington Young Professionals Group is working towards creating a more inviting environment for an oft-overlooked demographic in our community. We target individuals and families who are in their 20's and 30's and looking for a greater connection with the Bennington community. Through our monthly socials we provide a setting for folks to meet both new and old friends, socialize, and network in a casual atmosphere. At the same time, our website provides a forum where folks can connect on a daily basis at any time and on any issue. So, even if you can't make the monthly social because of your recent newborn baby, you can certainly connect with the community on-line at three in the morning when that same newborn can't sleep! The goal of the Bennington Young Professionals Group is to create an environment that encourages young people to both come to Bennington, and more importantly stay here once they've arrived through friendships, a sense of belonging, and most importantly a sense of community. |
The Bennington Free Library
The Bennington Free Library was established in 1865 by Trenor W. Park and Seth B. Hunt, on the second floor of a brick building on the corner of Main and Silver Streets, gradually expanding to include the entire first floor. In 1936 a new library was built, replete with architectural details copied from area historic buildings, and library operations were transferred to the new structure. As library patronage increased, the library was renovated to provide much needed space in the 1980s. A bridge between The 1865 and 1936 structures was added, handicapped access was provided, and many more structural changes were incorporated, in order to continue to serve our community's needs. |
You are cordially invited to attend the
Moosefest 2009 Grand Gala & Auction
Saturday, October 17, 2009
6 o'clock to midnight
The Bennington Center for the Arts
Vt. Rt. 9 at Gypsy Lane (44 Gypsy Lane)
Bennington Vermont
Cocktails & Viewing
School Moose Silent Auction
Tastes of Vermont
Live Auction at 7 o'clock with Tim Milks> Sevierville TN
Desserts & Dancing
Cash Bar by JC's Tavern - $75 per person - Black Tie Optional
To purchase tickets or Absentee Bid information, please contact the
Bennington Area Chamber of Commerce at 802-447-3311.